1. Identification of Novel Autoantibody Targets in Dermatomyositis: UCSF Dermatology is studying dermatomyositis in adults. We are currently recruiting participants ages 18+ with a history of dermatomyositis who are not pregnant or on oral or injectable monoclonal antibody therapy. We are also recruiting healthy participants without a history of dermatomyositis who are not pregnant or on oral or injectable monoclonal antibody therapy.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact Dr. Anna Haemel by email at [email protected] or Maha Kazmi by email at [email protected].
2. Autoimmunoprofiler (AutoIPI): As part of the UCSF Immunoprofiler project, we are recruiting healthy patients and patients with autoimmune diseases to better understand profiles of the immune system and underlying mechanisms of autoimmune disease. We also aim to help with the identification of novel pathways and targets for future drug discovery and development. This study will involve one in-person research visit to UCSF.
For more information, please visit AutoIPI or watch the following video. For other questions, please contact Dr. Anna Haemel by email at [email protected] or Maha Kazmi by email at [email protected].
These studies are funded by an ImmunoX grant at UCSF.
For more information about this initiative, click on the logo for more details.